#10 Days of Chronicles

Create and publish 10 family history stories in 10 days.
Next challenge runs March 1st - 10th, 2024.

End your procrastination

Experience the energy of being in a community of genealogy writers. Get motivation and focus to finally write your family history each day.

Work on what matters to you

Write about one family line, or skip around to all your family lines. You decide who you want to write about and what you want to write about.

Become a better writer

Get access to a private community with a library of specialized resources to develop into the writer you want to be. Get immediate feedback from fellow chroniclers so you level up in your work.

Finish 10 published pieces

Feel the pride of finally creating your family history! You choose which social media platform to use to showcase your published work. Use the hashtag #10daysofchronicles to connect with the community.

Join the Challenge

Get the daily writing prompts via email and be a part of the private community when you join the #10DaysofChronicles Challenge.
Unsubscribe at any time.

Welcome to the
10 Days of Chronicles

You'll receive an email on the 24th with the subject: "Welcome to 10 Days of Chronicles" to get your next steps and get started.

Welcome Back to the
10 Days of Chronicles

You'll receive an email on the 24th with the subject: "Welcome to 10 Days of Chronicles" to gear up for the next challenge.